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Let’s get idea about ‘What is Keyword Cannibalization and How to Avoid It’? When you consume your exposure by having many pages on your webpage addressing the same term, this is known as keyword cannibalism. If you use the same term on multiple pages across your website, Google would have a hard time figuring out which one is the most relevant and likely to convert. Term cannibalization is defined as when two or more of your sites target the same phrase, it implies you’re competing with your sites for SERP rankings.

Whereas keyword cannibalization is most commonly associated with SEO and natural traffic, your sponsored strategy may be cannibalizing your actual traffic as well. Google would only show a few of those pages on its results page for a particular keyword query, so they must decide which website is the most relevant.

As a result, your site’s competitor pages are vying for the same phrase. This is a big no-no in terms of SEO. As a result, one or even all of your web pages will be hidden, limiting the possibilities of your website.

What is Keyword Cannibalization?

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages of a website target the same or very similar keywords. In essence, your own content ends up competing against itself in search engine results, leading to confusion for both search engines and users. This can dilute the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and hinder the potential for any single page to rank well


2. Why is Keyword Cannibalization a Problem?

  • Dilution of Ranking Signals: When multiple pages target the same keyword, the ranking signals (such as backlinks and authority) that could have been consolidated into one powerful page are spread thin across several pages. This dilutes the potential ranking of any single page.

  • Confused Search Engines: Search engines might struggle to determine which page is the most relevant for a given keyword. This can result in lower rankings for all pages targeting that keyword.

  • Poor User Experience: Users may find it confusing and frustrating to encounter multiple pages with similar content when searching for specific information. This can lead to a negative user experience and increased bounce rates.

3. Detecting a Cannibalization of Keywords Issue:

  • Use SEO Tools: Tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEMrush, or Ahrefs can help identify instances of keyword cannibalization. Look for multiple pages competing for the same keywords.

  • Monitor Search Engine Rankings: Regularly check the rankings of your important keywords. If you notice fluctuations or inconsistency, it could be a sign of keyword cannibalization.

4. How to Avoid Keyword Cannibalization:

a. Reorganize the Structure of Your Website:

  • Example: If you have multiple blog posts targeting similar keywords, consider creating a comprehensive guide that covers the topic in-depth. Redirect the individual posts to this consolidated guide.

b. Per Page, Only One Keyword or Phrase:

  • Explanation: Assign a specific focus keyword or phrase to each page on your website. This ensures clarity for search engines and users regarding the content and purpose of each page.

c. A Canonical Strategy:

  • Explanation: Implement canonical tags on duplicate or similar content to indicate the preferred version to search engines. This helps consolidate ranking signals and avoids confusion.

d. Prioritize Quality Above Quantity:

  • Explanation: Instead of creating multiple pages targeting similar keywords, focus on creating high-quality, comprehensive content that thoroughly covers a topic. This approach is more beneficial for SEO.

e. SEO and PPC Activities Are Carefully Balanced:

  • Explanation: If you’re running both organic (SEO) and paid (PPC) campaigns, ensure that the keywords targeted align with your overall strategy. Avoid competing against yourself in both organic and paid search.

f. Your Conversion Rate Is Dropping:

  • Explanation: A sudden drop in conversion rates might indicate that users are not finding the information they expect or are confused by multiple pages targeting the same keywords. Investigate and adjust your content strategy accordingly.