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What Is Voice Search Optimization?

Voice search optimization is the procedure of refining the online presence so you appear for voice search queries.

The primary aim is to get selected by and/or read aloud by voice assistants when users perform a voice search.

Those digital assistants involve Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, and Microsoft’s Cortana.

Benefits of Voice Search Optimization

Improving the online presence for voice search extends the profits of traditional SEO. To support you attain business goals.

More specifically, voice search optimization do support:

  • Increase how much voice search results you appear for: Having the content shared by voice assistants get larger brand awareness, especially at the local phase.
  • Building faith with the target audience: Providing valuable and helpful information through voice search positions the business as trustworthy and authoritative
  • Refined the user experience: Make changes to optimizing for voice search includes refined technical SEO elements—which lead to the better user experience.

Now that we understand much more about voice search optimization, let’s go over how to optimize for voice search.

Tactics to Refine the Voice Search Optimization

Here are few voice search optimization tactics you do implement:

Research Keywords for Voice Search

Targeting and Researching keywords individually for voice search do support refine the options of the content being served to users utilizing their voice assistants for answers.

When researching keywords for voice search, it’s a great idea to aim on:

  • Long-tail keywords: These are higher way particular queries that often have bottom search volumes. An example of a long-tail keyword is pathways to edit a pdf.
  • Conversational keywords: These are keywords that mimic natural conversation and reflect how humans speak when utilizing voice search. An example of how to edit a pdf conversational keyword.

While each of these keyword categories is clear out, they often overlap and do even personify characteristics to one another.

For instance, many question keywords are long-tail keywords. And many long-tail keywords are conversational.

So, how do you explore awesome keywords for voice search?

Analyze Searching Outcome for Keywords You Need to Target

Looking into what’s already appeared on the search engine results pages (SERPs)—the pages with pertinent outcome that search engines show to users after they entered a query. To profit from an understanding of what kind of content is likely to appear out.

And pay special attention to SERP features.

SERP features are add-on elements on a SERP that add up something newest to a search result beyond the blue links standard.

Why do SERP features matter?

Because a voice search study managed in 2019 found that 70% of all answers returning from voice search occupy a SERP feature.

Some usual SERP features on Google are:

  • Featured snippets: Featured snippets are short snippets of text that display a preview of a page’s content to serve users with quick answers to their queries.
  • People also ask: People also asking blocks serve users a set of questions connected to their quick answers and search queries to these questions.
  • Local pack: A local pack showing the a map for location-specific keywords and top business listings (like best bakeries near me and top restaurants in new york)
  • Rich snippets: Rich snippets, also signify richer results, displaying additional information such as ratings or review

Audit & Optimize Your Website Content

Before you begin work on new content, conduct a content audit. To identify opportunities to enhance existing content for keywords you need to target in voice search.

A content audit is the method of assessing and systematically analyzing all the content on your website.

So, suppose you already have a blog post on the website titled “How to Edit a PDF.”

In that case, you don’t want to open up another post that targets various but related keywords like ways to edit a pdf and how to edit a pdf.

Instead, you optimize the existing blog post to include those keywords.

To conduct a content audit, you do utilize ImpactHero, an AI-powered tool that breaks down the content by customer journey stages. It identifies your most influential content pieces and serves recommendations.

Improve the Site’s Technical SEO

Technical SEO is the procedure to optimize a website to make it more indexable, accessible, and crawlable by the search engines.

Refining the website’s technical SEO involves aiming at the website’s user experience.

This could indirectly influence the search engine rankings and increase the possibility to win SERP features. Which might make the content more probable to be read aloud by voice assistants.

Practice Local SEO

Local SEO is the procedure to optimize the online presence to progress brand awareness, local traffic, and visibility.

Why is this applicable for voice search?

Because voice assistants often depend on local directories like Bing Places, Google Business Profile, and Yelp to serve answers for local queries.

Continuously Monitor Your Performance 

Keeping track of the search engine rankings and SERP features for the keywords you’re targeting. To stay competitive, increase your odds of appearing in the voice search results, and identifying options for optimization.

You can utilize Position Tracking to monitor the SERP features and daily rankings for the custom set of targeting keywords. And you do even analyze the positions across various device types and geographic locations.